Your Week-by-Week Pregnancy Calendar

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All about your Baby Bump

Pregnancy is an exciting time filled with lots of milestones and markers. Your baby is growing and developing at a rapid pace. Here's an overview of what the little one is up to during each week. Keep in mind that height, weight, and other developments are only averages. Your baby will grow at their own pace.

Though you aren't pregnant in weeks 1 and 2, doctors use the start of your last menstrual period to date your pregnancy. The follicles on your ovaries are developing until one or two dominate and are released during ovulation. This occurs around 14 days after the start of your period.


Your baby is the size of a vanilla bean seed.

This week you ovulated, and the moment you've been waiting for has finally arrived: You've conceived! Meaning your soon-to-be-fetus has started on its miraculous transformation from solitary cell to bouncing baby boy or girl.


Your baby is the size of a poppy seed.

The embryo now has three distinct layers of cells that will grow into specialized parts of your baby's body. The inner layer, known as the endoderm, will develop into your baby's digestive system, liver and lungs. The middle layer, called the mesoderm, will soon be your baby's heart, sex organs, bones, kidneys and muscles. And the outer layer, or ectoderm, will eventually form your baby's nervous system, hair, skin and eyes.


Your baby is the size of an orange seed.

The placenta is under construction and will finish forming by the end of the first trimester. It's an organ that will soon connect your developing fetus to your uterine wall, providing baby-to-be with nutrients and oxygen. And That mass of cells we call an embryo is starting to look like a fetus, with a neural tube (pre-spinal cord and brain) running from head to rump.


Your baby is the size of a sweet pea.

Your baby's heart has started to beat sometime between week 5 and now. You may even be able to see the tell-tale thump-thump on an ultrasound this week. Your baby-to-be, who looks like a tiny tadpole complete with teeny "tail," is curled up with her legs tucked into her torso. No plans to move soon!

Discover how big your baby is!

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